IT Fundamentals Labs
These are the labs students will be doing the first 2 months of the program to get up to speed with PCs, networks, virtual machines and Operating Systems. The purpose of these labs are to get all students and their different abilities and experience with technology to a good starting point before diving into Cybersecurity.
1.Binary and Hex Conversion
2.PC Components
3.Simple Troubleshooting Scenarios
4.Edit a Picture and ZIP
5.Install Linux VM
6.Install Windows Client VM and Open Office
7.Windows VM File Permssions Config with Multiple User Accounts
8.Introduction to Linux Command Line
9.Install Google File Stream in Windows VM and Sync with Host
10.Install Google Chrome in Linux VM
11.Install Windows Server VM
12.Configure Updates on VMs and Start Yearlong Documentation
13.Create File Server in Windows VM
14.Diagram the Class Network
15.Install pfSense VM and Configure vSwitch LAN
16.Setup DHCP Server and Discover Network Address in all VMs
17.Using dig on Linux VM
18.Updated WiFi Standards
19.Install Database on Linux VM with phpMyAdmin
20.Simple SQL Queries
21.Coding Input, Process and Output
22.Modify PHP Code to Connect to Database
23.SQL Injection
24.Symetric and Assymetric Encryption
25.High Availablity
26.Configure Windows and Linux Backups
27.Disaster Recovery testing